Happy Alone

I named my writing as "Happy Alone"

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Inspired by the expressions from Grey's Anatomy

There is a strong reason I though I'd be happy alone. It was not because of the fact that I will be happy alone. It was because I though, if I loved someone again and then it feel apart, I might not make it this time. For me, it's good to be alone now, because what If, you feel that you need love but you don't get it? What if you think that love will shape your life this time and again it falls apart? can you make yourself up from that kind of heartbreak this time? Damn, I can't.
Maybe, LOVE is when a person arouses your heart in such a beautiful way that no one else did before or can do after. I think there is much more to life, than to find someone who will really want you, at-least I feel this way after she's gone. There is much more to life than being sad over someone who doesn't even thinks about you. I and I'm sure someone else will also believe that there is a lot of wonderful things waiting for me without hoping that someone will fall in love with me again. Maybe, maybe not.
We should live for ourselves and should be happy on our own. This is the only choice I got now.

Written it in the beginning of this valentines week, hoping to live my life better without you, my "valentine".

"We are left with a choice. Either left the guilt throw you back into the behavior that got you into trouble in the first place, or learn from the guilt and do your best to move on." - Grey's Anatomy


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