Monsoon Love

image source: pinterest

my only date

I'm a Pluviophile. I love rain. I love the rain drops,
I love when it touch my face, like you do with your soft, caring hands
I want to get wet in those rain drops with you,holding
your hand, looking at your deep, beautiful eyes. I want to move your hair,
clinging to your face, and let those soft rain drops touch your tender, pink lips. 
While the whole world, melts in those blurry drops, I want to stare and focus 
on your eyes, searching for care and love. 
The place would fill with the smell of soaked soil. I know you will shiver, 
shiver when that mild, cold wind will blow. I know you will shiver but
you can't take your eyes of me, neither can I. 
I will hold your waist, pull you close to me. So close that
you can feel the warmth of my body, irrespective of those cold, soaked clothes.
Then, I will kiss you in that pouring rain, kiss your soft, wet lips,
before you can feel any more cold from that wind. I will kiss you as
you wrap your arms around my neck and hold me tight.
Then I need you to move, to think, to breathe
as I step back, looking into your eyes and tell you how much 
I crave for you, how much I love you.
I know most of the girls would want a guy, who will hold an umbrella 
over their head and carry them along. But I want to be that guy, who will 
throw that umbrella away, just to splash you and kiss you, before
you can say a word to me. 
I want that small touch between two pairs of lips so special,
that will blow your mind and that you never want to feel 
another's lips against yours ever again.
Your kiss in the rain will be just one of the
millions of reasons, I so deeply love you.
I believe that, there is many things that can wash away your pain,
but nothing compares to a kiss in the rain.

yours never,
that Pluviophile


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