About Blog

Launched this blog page for the people who craves for stories, no matter on what topic, the stories which make them relate with the fiction world. 

Hope this blog and the articles in it can inspire some, in different aspects of their life, it may be a lesson for some, a realisation for some, or a nostalgic, emotional moments for some.
So, if you want to smile and take a break from your busy life, then you'll feel right at home here.
The articles are about different genre, maybe love, friendship, horror, humour, about life, which I think people can read during their leisure time, taking a break from their busy, routine life.

I started this blog on 21st of January 2017, hoping to express the feelings I have felt and of the hundreds of them like me.

Take some minutes of your life, to read the articles, because it's important, that you smile.


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